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How to Effectively Network – A Handy Guide for Job Seekers

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In today’s fast-paced professional landscape, knowing how to connect, communicate, and cultivate relationships is more essential than ever. We are here to help you demystify the process of networking, offering practical tips and insights that can pave the way for fruitful and relevant connections and potential job opportunities. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned pro, there’s always a new avenue to explore or technique to refine.  Check out some of our inspiring tips below!

  1. Be Genuinely Curious

Ask open-ended questions. Instead of saying, “So you’re a software engineer? Cool.” Try, “What drew you into software engineering?” People love to share their stories, and this lets them know you’re really listening.

  1. Business Cards – Old School Cool

While they might feel a tad 1999, they’re still a classic. Handy tip: write a fun fact or a tiny note on the back before giving it out, to make you stand out in a sea of rectangular papers.

  1. Attend Events – Not Just Job Fairs

Your next job connection might be at a cheese-tasting event or a dog-park meet-up. Seriously! Stay open-minded and, who knows, you might not only find a job but also discover a new hobby.

  1. Social Media – It’s Not Just for Cat Memes

Platforms like LinkedIn are golden when it comes to networking. But remember, while posting that pic of your breakfast burrito might be fun, keep your professional platforms…well, professional.

  1. Listen More Than You Speak

It might seem counterintuitive, but by actively listening, you learn more about the other person and how you might fit into their world. Plus, everyone appreciates a good listener.

  1. Follow Up – But Don’t Linger

After meeting someone, shoot them a quick email or message. A simple “Great to meet you at the dog park/cheese tasting/job fair” works wonders. Just remember, there’s a fine line between being persistent and being THAT person who sends 20 messages in two days.

  1. Practice, Practice, Practice

Like that piano lesson your parents forced you into, the more you practice networking, the better you’ll get.

Networking isn’t about selling yourself; it’s about building genuine connections. So, put on your favorite outfit, wear that infectious smile, and get out there. The world is your networking oyster!  Try to do your best to stay connected, stay curious, and always remember – networking is just a fancy word for making friends in the professional world.

Once you’ve found the trick to successfully networking and creating relevant connections, click here to check out our 10 Tips to Nailing Your Next Interview!

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