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Mastering Seasonal Hiring: Strategies for Tech Job Seekers

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Seasonal demand impacts many businesses, regardless of their industry, but hiring patterns during this time also affect individuals with technical expertise. There are peaks and valleys of demand for technical talent influenced by product releases, year-end upgrades, open enrollment, holiday online shopping surges, and tax season.
Here are some tailored strategies to navigate seasonal hiring in the tech sector for job seekers looking to make the most out of these shifts in the job market.

Customize Your Application

A good rule of thumb that’s important year-round is to highlight your experience relevant to the job you’re applying for. Any skills you highlight should be true areas of expertise, so during your interview, you can be able to comfortably explain this experience and carry out those skills once you get the job.

Within your work application, be prepared to emphasize:

  • Technical Expertise: Highlight your experience in your work application with specific programming languages, systems, and tools that are relevant..
  • Business Goals and Outcomes: Employers want to know that you not only possess technical expertise and aptitude, but also understand how those skills facilitate the accomplishment of business goals. This is especially critical during seasonal hiring when the objectives are high-stakes and deadlines can be intense.
  • Project Experience: Showcase past projects that demonstrate your ability to contribute to a team under tight deadlines.

Be Flexible and Open to Contract Positions

Employers may require you to be available at unconventional times, especially if they’re pushing a major update or dealing with high customer service ticket volumes. Being able to work on-demand can set you apart from other candidates. These surges in business demand might prompt additional contingent staff support, but getting in the door on a contract and performing well could result in a conversion to full time employment.  This will help to build your resume with impressive accomplishments so you can showcase complex projects with strict deadlines.

Emphasize Adaptability and Quick Learning

Seasonal roles often have little room for extended training, so stress your ability to hit the ground running and remain eager to learn new technologies or systems swiftly.

Prepare for Technical Interviews

Seasonal or not, tech interviews often involve technical questions or tests so you should be ready to:

  • Showcase your Coding Skills: You might be asked to solve problems on the spot or take a coding test.
  • Discuss Tech Trends: Be prepared to talk about new technologies and how they might impact the company’s seasonal needs.
  • Explain Quality and Quantity of Impact: Again, it’s critical to be able to explain the business outcome of your previous work efforts and projects. How was efficiency increased?  Time saved? Employee Engagement Improved? Client satisfaction strengthened? Come prepared with well-rounded examples.

Leverage the Opportunity for Future Growth

Again, temporary positions in tech can sometimes lead to permanent roles. To help increase your chances:

  • Document your Contributions: Keep track of your achievements and how they benefitted the team or project.
  • Express your Desire to Stay On: If you’re interested in long-term opportunities, make sure your supervisor is aware.
  • Stay Engaged: Attend company meetings and participate in team discussions so you can show your commitment.

Manage Your Professional Expectations

Be realistic about the tenure of a seasonal tech position.  Use it as a way to gain industry experience, expand your professional network, and build on your expertise.

Follow Up and Stay Connected

After your seasonal role concludes, reach out with a thank you to your manager and teammates and stay connected on LinkedIn and other professional networks.  Make it apparent that you’re open to future opportunities with a quick message upon connecting.

Seasonal roles in technology can be gateways to great opportunities. They offer a chance to work on exciting projects and get your foot in the door at leading companies. By approaching seasonal tech jobs with the right strategies, you can not only earn a substantial income during peak periods but also set the stage for continued professional success.

Remember, in a field driven by constant change, every season can be the start of your next big break.

Needing interview advice?
Visit our interview guide HERE for 10 quick tips to nail your next interview!

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